Open hours

* Please note limited service may only be available during lunchtime 12pm-1pm and outside term time.

Engineering Services:

Collection from Dalton Building G.30d

Mon to Fri: 9.00am – 4.00pm


JD Resource team - Natural Sciences equipment:

Collection from JDT Ground Floor Serving Hatch (Near lifts) 

Mon to Fri: 9.00am – 4.30pm

We're based at: G.27 Dalton Tower


Contact us

Any general queries and more information about how to loan items, feel free to contact appropriate department:

Engineering Services:

Natural Sciences & Earth Sciences:

JD Resource team:

Please check the most recent information about availability, and opening times before booking.


Follow us on: Twitter

Useful links


Welcome to the Connect2 System for the Faculty of Science & Engineering. 

*** Please ensure you have a completed RA "Risk Assessment" as items will NOT be issued without one! ***

To download forms, please visit here: Moodle


What can Connect2 do?

View and book items available to Students & Staff

Check real-time availability of items

Amend, cancel, search, and renew bookings.


"Some results are greyed out? / "I can't see what I'm looking for?"

Some specific items on Connect2 need training before you can borrow them. If this is the case, please see your tutor for training on a specific piece of equipment.

If you can't see what you're looking for, or are looking for an item outside of your subject area, please visit the JDTS or contact them via the information in the 'Contact us' Section


What do you think of the new loan website?

Can you suggest any improvements? 

Have you found an error?

Talk to any of the Technical Staff at


***This page is currently undergoing changes, so certain details may be missing. ***


John Dalton Resource Loaning Terms & Conditions

The following describes the terms and conditions when loaning equipment from the John Dalton Resource Centre.

'You' is referring to the borrower.


By using this system, and loaning from the John Dalton Resource Centre, it is your responsibility to ensure your order is complete when booking out and to check equipment is in good working order.
Please report any missing items or faults as soon as possible. Borrowers are liable for any loss or damage to equipment.

The equipment used shall, always and regardless of location, remain the property of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Manchester Metropolitan University.


All reservations must be collected by the person who made the initial booking, and by the end of the opening hours of the resource centre. Any reservations that are not collected significantly after the bookings start time will be automatically cancelled. If for some reason you are unable to collect an item, but still require it, contact either:

The JDTS at 0161 247 1235 for more details. OR with the Booking Reference, University ID, and details about the reason you're unavailable, for more information and guidance.

The centre will not be responsible for items that are made unavailable due to late returns, broken, or missing items by students/staff. It is the responsibility of the borrower to return items on time, and in the same condition.

Responsibility of the Borrower

It is the borrower’s responsibility to complete an RA “Risk Assessment” before items will be issued, the centre has the right to cancel the booking if this is not completed.

All equipment must be returned in the condition in which it was issued. It is your responsibility to ensure all items are taken care of during the loan period.

You are only allowed to have access to equipment that is needed for your course when using Connect2. (Unless specified otherwise.) This then means that you are responsible for ensuring and considering others with the necessary training to use the borrowed items.

All Repair costs or replacement equipment will be charged to you.

Your tutor will arrange an induction if it’s appropriate for the item, and your course. If a certain item needs an induction, you must have the appropriate induction, otherwise you cannot borrow the equipment.

Returns, Late Items and Extensions

You must return equipment to the Resource Unit DB G.30d for engineering, or JDT Serving Hatch Ground Floor (Near lifts) for the Natural Sciences (for the meantime, if returning equipment, call 0161 247 1235) by the specified due date.

If you choose to keep equipment beyond the agreed due date for return you will incur a fine.

Fines are charged on overdue items. If fines are outstanding, borrowing rights will be withdrawn until such time as those fines are paid.

Risk Assessments

If there is any doubt as to whether an item needs a Risk Assessment, it is the responsibility of the borrower to discuss this with the appropriate line manager or supervisor or seek guidance from a technical officer.


If an item is returned late, and you have not extended the loan, or contacted the JDTS, the the following penalties apply:

Level 1: First time for a late return - 3 Day Lock on loans

Level 2: Second time for a late return - 2 Week Lock on Loans

Level 3: Third time for late return - Complete Lock on future loans, and your Tutor will be informed for further appropriate action.

Level 4: If the borrower fails to return the item after 30 Days, it will be the relevant departments descretion to raise an invoice from Finance for a replacement.

Exclusion of Liability

By accepting the terms and conditions as stated above, the borrower agrees to all statements made, and that Manchester Metropolitan University and the JDTS will not be liable for any personal loss, damage, or financial loss incurred by you arising in connection with your use of the loaned items.

The borrower also agrees that you will not photocopy, take photos, or duplicate licenced material (unless otherwise stated) or use equipment for your own gain outside of your study hours, and Manchester Metropolitan University shall be held harmless by the borrower against potential claim. Nothing in this agreement shall exclude, or in any way limit either party’s liability for death or personal injury caused by its own negligence.